Legacy3.11 Group exhibition in Milan Italy

I’m joining a group exhibition. The disaster in Japan in March 2011 highlighted various societal issues that are common worldwide. I hope this exhibition and post encourage discussions and exchanges on these topics.
The Power of art and creativity from 3.11,
Japan Past, Present, and Future
17th Sep – 12th Oct 2024
Fabbrica del Vapore, ex-Cisterne
Via Giulio Cesare Procaccini, 4, 20154 Milano MI, Italy
Artists: Jun Nakasuji, Nozomi Fujita, Makoto Aida, Kosuke Kawamura, Project Fukushima!, Tohru Kohno, Wide Awakes, Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group, USUGROW, Hiroyuki Ura, Jin Katahira, Shuji Akagi, snipe1, Ai Iwane, Hashi-no-shita World Music Festival SOUL BEAT ASIA, Yoshiaki Kaihatsu,SIDE CORE, Noriaki Kobayashi, Minako Hiromi, Minna-no Datasite, Kanji “Dadakan” Itoi, Makoto Umebara, Yuta Hirai, Hisanao Mizunuma, Kazuki Umezawa.
Director: Legacy 3.11 Committee
Curator: Nippon AWAKES
Coordinator: Guido Ferilli
On 11th March 2011, Japan was struck by a catastrophic earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0, followed by a devastating tsunami, marking one of the most significant natural disasters in the nation’s history. Thirteen years later, the scars left by this event continue to affect generations. While reconstruction efforts have provided some relief, they can only partially restore the peace of mind of those affected. Moreover, the ongoing challenges posed by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster continue to demand attention and solutions. This exhibition features over 100 works by prominent artists from Japan, including those from the Tohoku region, who have transformed their experiences of the disaster into a legacy for the future. The exhibition will not only display these works but also host archival materials, film screenings, and video presentations that reflect on the catastrophic earthquake and its aftermath. This exhibition bridges the past and present of Japanese culture, forged through resilience in the face of both natural and man-made disasters, and carries this legacy forward into the future. It offers an actual perspective on the various crises facing the world today.
More info
The Power of art and creativity from 3.11,
Japan Past, Present, and Future
会場 Fabbrica del Vapore, ex-Cisterne
Via Giulio Cesare Procaccini, 4, 20154 Milano MI, Italy
参加アーティスト: 中筋純・藤田望人・会田誠・河村康輔・プロジェクトFUKUSHIMA!・河野透・Wide A wakes・Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group・USUGROW・浦裕幸・片平仁・赤城修司・snipe1・岩根愛・橋の下世界音楽祭(鈴木聡・USUGROW)・開発好明・SIDE CORE・小林憲明・廣海充南子・NPO法人みんなのデータサイト・糸井”ダダカン”寛二・梅原真・平井有太・水沼久直・梅沢和木・Nippon AWAKES
2024年9月16日から10月12日、イタリア・ミラノの美術館ファブリカ・デル・ヴァポーレにて、「Legacy3.11 アートとクリエイティビティ、日本の過去、現在、そして未来」展が開催されます。 この展覧会は、いまから2年前に、東日本大震災をテーマにしたグループ展「AWAKES みんなの目覚め」(東京・アーツ千代田3331)に来場したイタリアIULM大学のグイド・フェリッリ教授が「ぜひミラノで開催したい」と熱望したことによって始まったプロジェクトです。グイド教授は、文化政策を研究する経済学者で震災直後に日本の文化事業に携る関係者やアーティストを中心に聞き書きした記録集を刊行していた経緯もあり、これまで約2年間に渡って日伊両国のボランティアチームと共に準備を進めてきました。そしてミラノ市や日本領事館らの理解と協力により、国外初となるイタリア・ミラノ市での開催実現に至りました。