Print released from “Artists for Maui” project
Spirit” print released from “Artists for Maui” project
Artists for Mauiというプロジェクトからプリントがリリースされています。ハワイ州マウイ島で発生した大規模な山火事での救済活動、被災者へのベネフィットです。純益の100%が、現地の救済活動、被災者の為に寄付されます。
My prints have been released through the ‘Artists for Maui’ project. This project aims to provide relief for the massive wildfire that occurred on Maui Island in Hawaii, benefiting the victims. 100% of the net proceeds will be donated for local relief efforts and to support the affected individuals.
I hope that everyone in the area can return to a peaceful everyday life as soon as possible. Whenever I hear news about earthquakes in Morocco or disasters in various places, it reminds me of the earthquake in Tohoku twelve years ago.
Artists for Maui
Organized by @worldwidewalls @studiohale @alohademele and @mrjasperwong.
Via Press release
A collection of artwork donated by artists around the world with 100% of net profits going directly to Maui aid.
World Wide Walls, Studio Hale, and Aloha de Mele are thrilled to finally share some details on a very special project we’ve been eagerly working on. We have spent the last few weeks gathering works donated by creative friends and colleagues in Hawaii and around the globe to create a unique online gallery, where all proceeds will go towards Maui relief efforts and families who lost their homes in the August 8th wildfire
disaster. Artists and photographers from countries like Brazil, Australia, Thailand, Canada, Spain, New Zealand, Japan, Italy, Qatar, Singapore, and the United States have graciously provided a piece of their
work to our initiative. The online gallery will open this Friday, September 8th, and remain active throughout the rest of the year. We’ll have more details highlighting the creatives involved and the upcoming in-person print show to be released soon.
2024.12.30 Posted
2024.11.26 Posted
2024.11.13 Posted
2024.10.28 Posted
2024.10.24 Posted