The Art of Writing Your Name : Urban Calligraphy and Beyond
The Art of Writing Your Name : Urban Calligraphy and Beyond
USUGROW インタヴュー、アートワークが掲載されています。
available on usugrow official store
Artists / Chaz Bojorquez, Jon One, Niels Shoe Meulman, Poesia, Cryptik, SheOne, Said Dokins, Stohead, Usugrow, Patrick Hartl, Lek & Sowat, L`Atlas, Tanc, Mayonaize, Soklak, Mami, Tilt, Blaqk, Soemone, Jan Koke, Jun Inoue, Vincent Abadie Hafez / Zepha, Carlos Mare, Egs, Simon Silaidis, Faust, Luca Barcellona, Bisco Smith, Creepy Mouse, Defer, eL Seed, Rafael Sliks, Saber, Pokras Lampas
ストリート発祥、モダンカリグラフィムーヴメントを牽引するアーティスト35名のインタヴュー、アートワークを収録した重厚な1冊です。1960年代から活動を始め、チカーノグラフィティをアートにまで昇華したLAのオリジナーター Chaz Bojorquez 、ヨーロッパにおけるCalligraffitiムーヴメントの中心人物 Niels Shoe Meulman を始め、世界各地で活動するベテラン、アップカマー達をピックアップ。多彩なカリグラフィのスタイル、解釈が楽しめます。各アーティスト8ページずつ、インタヴューとアートワークが掲載されています。
Stylish lettering has always been of great importance within the graffiti and street art movements. Over the last 25 years many artists have pushed the practice into a powerful stylized calligraphy. The Art of Writing Your name follows the arc of this movement from its earliest practitioners, like Chaz Bojorquez to more recent adopters, such as Usugrow, profiling 35 of the worlds hottest urban calligraphers along the way. Niels SHOW Meulman is a foundational artist in the movement, but others such as Cryptik, JonOne, LAtlas, SABER, Faust, and Vincent Abadie Hafez also light the way. Graffiti fanatics, hand lettering fans, street art junkies, calligraphy lovers, and type enthusiasts all have something to learn from this fascinating tome. Christian Hundertmark, editor of the ongoing Art of Rebellion series co-authored The Art of Writing Your Name along with Patrick Hartl, creating a comprehensive sourcebook in the process.
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